Extend Winter Tire Life With Proper Tire Storage

The saying goes, March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, as winter finally gives way to spring. Depending on the weather in your area, now may be the time you are thinking about replacing your winter tires with your regular tires. When you switch out your tires, be sure to follow these tire storage tips to make sure they stay in good condition and will be ready when you need them again. 

tire storage

All tire types benefit from proper tire storage, and should be stored in a clean, cool and dry place. Avoid excessive exposure to sunlight and strong air currents. Although the rubber used to make tires is engineered to resist the effects of sunlight, ozone, and water, these elements still cause deterioration. Consider seasonal tire storage a time to give your tires a break and opportunity to minimize exposure to stresses.

Other tire storage tips include:

  • Tires stored while mounted on rims should be inflated to 10 psi.
  • Tires that are put in storage during warm weather should be inflated to about 15 psi to offset the pressure drop during cold weather months.
  • Cover or wrap tires for storage. Many types of covers are available from auto parts retailers.
  • If tires are mounted on rims, they should be stacked four deep underneath a tire cover.
  • Tires should be stored upright and under a cover if they are mounted on rims, rather than stacked or suspended from the ceiling.
  • Tires with whitewall or raised white lettering should be stored with the whitewall or raised white lettering facing each other to avoid black rubber staining.
  • It is best not to store tires outside, but it is unavoidable, keep them raised off the storage surface.

Follow these tire storage tips when storing your tires so they will provide you with years of safe service and performance.

Tire Noise – What’s Normal, What’s Not

The amount of noise you experience while driving can depend on a wide range of factors, from the condition of the road pavement to the construction of the vehicle and its components. In fact, a great deal of engineering and technology goes into vehicle design to specifically promote a smooth and quiet ride. This includes the development of tire technology. 

Tire Noise

While we can expect to experience some degree of noise when we are driving, we may on occasion hear something that doesn’t sound quite right. It is important to pay attention to tire noise that seems unusual or unfamiliar, as that noise may be a sign of trouble with your vehicle.

How much or what type of tire noise is normal? That is going to depend on the type of tires you have. For example, it is common for low-profile tires to create more noise since they have a lower amount of sidewall rubber. Also, the wider a tire is, the more noise it tends to generate, simply due to there being more in contact with the road. 

Tire Noise That Sounds Like Trouble

Hearing tire noise that doesn’t sound like what you normally hear on the road could be an indication that something is off. Alignment problems, suspension issues, or improper tire inflation can all cause strange or unusual tire noise that sounds a bit like thumping or bumping. 

Misaligned or underinflated tires might sound like squealing or screeching. Keep in mind that squealing that occurs when you stop might also be an indication of brake problems. 

Tire humming can be another sign of tire trouble. Humming may happen if tread wear is not even, or if there are problems with the wheel bearings.  

If you have been noticing tire noise that seems out of the ordinary, don’t ignore it. Taking just a little time out of your busy schedule to have your tires and vehicle inspected by a qualified auto pro could save you a lot of time, trouble, and expense.