Best Ways to Keep Your Car Engine From Overheating During Summer

Temperatures are on the rise this summer, and car engines are more susceptible to overheating. Engine overheating can lead to costly repairs, inconvenience, and even leave you stranded on the roadside. 

High Temperature Reading on Outdoor Thermometer

There are simple, preventive measures you can take to  keep your car’s engine cool and ensure a smooth and worry-free summer driving experience. The following are some of the best ways to avoid your car engine heating up during the summer months.

Regular Maintenance Checks

The key to a healthy engine is regular maintenance, especially during the summer. Schedule routine check-ups with a certified mechanic to inspect the cooling system, radiator, hoses, and belts. A well-maintained cooling system will efficiently regulate the engine temperature, reducing the risk of overheating.

Check Coolant Levels

Always keep an eye on the coolant level and top it off when necessary. The coolant is responsible for dissipating heat from the engine and preventing it from overheating. Use the recommended coolant type for your vehicle and maintain the appropriate coolant-to-water ratio as per the manufacturer’s specifications.

Inspect Hoses and Belts

Check your cooling system hoses and belts for signs of wear, cracks, or leaks. Replace any damaged components promptly to avoid coolant leaks or engine malfunctions. A failing hose or belt can lead to a sudden loss of coolant, resulting in engine overheating.

Park in the Shade

Keeping your car parked under cover or in the shade whenever possible can significantly reduce the internal temperature, including the engine. If covered parking isn’t available, use a windshield sunshade to block the direct sunlight from entering the car.

Watch Your Coolant Temperature

Monitor the temperature gauge on your dashboard, especially during long drives or in heavy traffic. If you notice the temperature rising towards the danger zone, pull over to a safe location immediately and let the engine cool down before continuing.

Don’t Use AC Continuously

While driving in hot weather, it’s natural to want to blast the air conditioning, but doing so puts additional strain on the engine. Instead, try using the air conditioning sparingly or setting it at a moderate temperature to reduce the load on the engine.

Preventing car engine overheating during the summer requires diligence and regular maintenance. By following these tips and staying proactive in monitoring your vehicle’s cooling system, you can ensure your car’s engine remains cool and dependable throughout the summer months. A well-maintained cooling system not only enhances engine performance but also increases the longevity of your vehicle.

Six Ways to a Get Long Service Life From Your Car

Unless you have been living completely off the grid, you have noticed that prices are up for everything. This is especially in the automotive market. According to Kelley Blue Book, the average new car price had set a record high in November of $48,681, which was $2,250 higher than the previous year. Similar reporting from Financial Samurai indicates the prices are even higher this year. The American Automobile Association (AAA) says that these high prices are motivating people to hang on to their cars longer. A recent AAA report says, ”since 2000, the average vehicle age has risen from 8.9 years to 12.1 years “.

New Car Parked On Road

If you are among the many drivers who would like to keep your car as long as possible, these tips are for you! Here are six important ways to take care of your vehicle and extend its service life:

  1. Regular Maintenance – Adhering to the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule is crucial. This includes routine oil changes, filter replacements, fluid checks, and other scheduled services. Regular maintenance helps identify and address potential issues before they become major problems.
  2. Safe Driving Habits – Practicing safe driving habits can significantly contribute to your car’s longevity. Avoid aggressive driving, sudden acceleration or braking, and excessive speeding. These behaviors can put unnecessary stress on the vehicle’s components and increase wear and tear.
  3. Keep it Clean – Regularly washing and waxing your car helps protect the paint and body from rust, corrosion, and other damage caused by dirt, road salt, and environmental factors. Cleaning the interior, including vacuuming and conditioning the upholstery, prevents dirt buildup and keeps the cabin in good condition.
  4. Proper Tire Care – Maintaining the correct tire pressure, rotating the tires regularly, and ensuring proper wheel alignment are essential for extending tire life and improving fuel efficiency. Regularly inspect the tires for signs of wear and replace them when necessary.
  5. Timely Repairs: Addressing any mechanical issues promptly can prevent them from escalating into more significant problems. If you notice unusual sounds, vibrations, or warning lights, have your car inspected by a qualified mechanic. Ignoring minor issues can lead to major breakdowns and expensive repairs.
  6. Storage and Shelter – When your car is not in use for an extended period, it’s best to store it in a covered and sheltered area. This protects the vehicle from harsh weather conditions, UV rays, and potential damage from falling debris or tree sap. If possible, avoid parking in direct sunlight for extended periods as it can cause damage to the interior and exterior surfaces.

Remember, proper care and maintenance are crucial for maximizing the service life of your car. Regular servicing, safe driving habits, and preventive measures can help you avoid unnecessary repairs and ensure your vehicle remains reliable for years to come.