It’s Summer Road Trip Time – Make Sure You and Your Vehicle are Prepared

Summer is the perfect time for a road trip! Some travelers like to have a detailed plan and confirmed reservations, while others like to be a little more spontaneous and travel adventurously.  Whether you have a planned-out approach or a free-spirited attitude toward road trips, you should never leave without having prepared your vehicle for the journey. 

Summer Road Trip

Don’t let car trouble steal the fun and relaxation of your summer road trip. Be prepared for a worry-free trip by considering these vehicle checks:

Thoroughly Check Your Fluids

Your car relies on a number of different types of fluids to run smoothly. Before leaving for a trip, it is a good idea to check:

  • Engine Oil – Lubricates the engine and keeps it running smoothly
  • Coolant – prevents your engine from overheating
  • Transmission Fluid – proper levels ensure smooth shifting and extend the life of your transmission
  • Brake Fluid  – required for the proper functioning of your brakes
  • Power Steering Fluid – essential for smooth and easy steering

Confirm that all fluids are at the proper levels and that they are in good condition. If any fluids are low or dirty, have them topped off or replaced by a professional.

Inspect Your Tires

Safe travel is where the rubber meets the road… literally. Check your tires to make sure they are in optimal condition to deliver proper performance and handling:

  • Tread Depth – proper tread depth provides better grip and handling
  • Tire Pressure – correctly inflated tires improve fuel efficiency and safety
  • Tire Condition – cracks, bulges, or uneven wear can be a sign of potential problems
  • Spare Tire  – don’t overlook checking its condition, and make sure you have a jack and lug wrench

.Check Your Battery

A failing battery has the potential to ruin your trip. Consider these battery related items:

  • Signs of Corrosion – Corrosion on terminals or other areas can affect performance
  • Battery Age – if the battery is over three years old, consider having it tested
  • Jumper Cables – always travel with a set of jumper cables in case you have battery problems on the road

Check Your Brakes

Dependable functioning of your vehicle’s braking system is essential for safety. Always pay attention to signs of trouble like squeaking or grinding noises when braking, or unusual sensations or vibrations. Before a trip check these brake system components:

  • Brake Pads – worn brake pads can reduce braking efficiency
  • Brake Rotors – warped or damaged rotors can affect braking performance
  • Brake Fluid – make sure brake fluid is at the proper level and isn’t contaminated

Check Your Lights and Signals

Properly functioning lights and signals are essential for safety. Test your all of your system lights including: 

  • Headlights
  • Taillights
  • Turn signals
  • Brake lights

Have any burnt-out bulbs replaced to ensure you can see and be seen on the road.

Inspect Your Belts and Hoses

Confirming that your belts and hoses are in good condition is important for your vehicle’s safe operation. 

  • Have Belts Checked – signs of fraying, glazing, or wear may indicate replacement is necessary
  • Inspect Hoses – leaking, cracked, bulging, or damaged hoses should be replaced to prevent engine overheating

Additional Summer Travel Tips

Even with the best preparations, emergencies can happen on summer road trips. Be ready with a kit with a car kit that includes items like flashlights, extra batteries, portable cell phone chargers, tire repair kit and inflator, non-perishable snacks, bottled water, etc.

Planning your summer road trip route ahead of time can save you from unexpected surprises. Most drivers rely on cell phone GPS for guidance, but a good old-fashioned roadmap could be invaluable in the event of the dreaded ‘lost signal’ situation.

Taking the time to prepare your vehicle before a summer road trip can save you from unexpected breakdowns and ensure a fun, stress-free journey. If you’re unsure about any of the vehicle checks listed above, don’t hesitate to visit your local trusted auto service technician.

What Do I Do When My Tire TPMS Light Comes On?

Your car’s tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) is a vital component that helps ensure your safety on the road. Since it is an essential safety feature, your vehicle is equipped with a TPMS light that lets you know if there is a potential problem. When the tire light comes on, it could be a warning that something needs your immediate attention. Below we will look at what you should know about the TPMS light, as well as steps you can take when you see that light on your dash.

Tire Pressure Monitoring System Dash Light

What Does the TPMS Light Mean?

The tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) light is designed to indicate when one or more of your tires is significantly under-inflated. This is important because overinflation can lead to poor vehicle handling, decreased fuel efficiency, and increased risk of a tire blowout. 

In some cases, the illumination of the TPMS light signifies a problem with the system itself, rather than tire pressure.

When see the TPMS light, do the following:

Check Tire Pressure

Use a tire pressure gauge to check the pressure of all your tires, including the spare if you have one. Compare the readings to the recommended tire pressure listed in your vehicle’s owner’s manual or the sticker on the driver’s side door jamb.

Inflate Tires to the Correct Pressure

If any tires are under-inflated, inflate them to the recommended pressure. Most gas stations have air pumps, or you can use a portable air compressor. Make sure not to overinflate, as this can also cause problems, such as uneven tire wear.

Inspect Tires for Damage

While checking the pressure, inspect each tire for visible damage such as cuts, punctures, or embedded objects like nails. If you find any damage, have it inspected by a professional as soon as possible. Sometimes a repair can be done, depending on the location of the damage and other factors.

Keep Up on Regular Maintenance

Regularly check your tire pressure, at least once a month and before long trips, to ensure they are at the correct levels. This can prevent the TPMS light from coming on and help you avoid unexpected issues. Additionally, regular tire rotations, alignments, and inspections will extend the life of your tires and improve your vehicle’s overall performance.

Call in the Pros

If the TPMS light remains on after you’ve checked and inflated your tires, or if it comes on frequently, there may be an issue with the TPMS itself. In this case, it’s wise to have a professional mechanic inspect the system. They can diagnose and fix any problems, ensuring your TPMS light is functioning correctly.


Understanding Hydroplaning: Causes, Prevention, and the Role of Tire Maintenance

Hydroplaning occurs when a vehicle loses traction and the driver loses control on a wet surface. It is a frightening experience and a serious hazard for drivers. It is important for drivers to understand the causes of hydroplaning and know how to navigate through it. It is also helpful to know how proper tire maintenance can significantly reduce the chances of a hydroplaning occurrence.

Vehicles Driving on Wet Road

What Causes Vehicles to Hydroplane?

Hydroplaning occurs when a layer of water develops between the tires of a vehicle and the road surface. This layer prevents the tires from making full contact with the road, leading to a loss of traction and control. Understanding hydroplaning includes recognizing factors that contribute to it:

  • Speed – Driving at high speeds reduces the tire’s ability to channel water away through its tread, making it more likely it is to hydroplane.
  • Water Depth – While even a small amount of water can cause hydroplaning, deeper water does increase the risk.
  • Tire Condition – Worn-out tires with insufficient tread depth cannot effectively disperse water, increasing the chances of hydroplaning.
  • Vehicle Weight – Lighter vehicles are more prone to hydroplaning.

Navigating Through or Avoiding Hydroplaning

To avoid or safely navigate through hydroplaning, drivers should consider the following tips:

  • Reduce speed on wet roads. Reducing speed gives the tires more time to scatter water and maintain contact with the road.
  • Avoid overreaction. Abrupt steering, braking, or accelerating can lead to loss of control. Gentle, gradual movements are safer.
  • Avoid areas with standing water when possible. Try to drive in the tracks of the vehicle ahead, where water has already been displaced. Avoid large puddles when possible.
  • Maintain a safe following distance. Increase the distance between your vehicle and the one ahead to allow more reaction time if the car in front hydroplanes.

The Role of Tire Maintenance in Preventing Hydroplaning

Keeping tires in good condition is crucial for safe driving in general. The following are some tire factors that can specifically affect your vehicle’s resistance to hydroplaning.

Tread Depth – Tires should have a minimum tread depth of 2/32 inches, though more tread is better for wet conditions. Deeper treads channel water more efficiently. 

Proper Inflation – Properly inflated tires maintain optimal surface contact and water dispersion.

Regular Inspections – Addressing signs of tire wear, damage, or uneven tread early helps to assure a safer ride.

Rotate Tires – Regular tire rotation promotes even tread wear, enhancing overall traction and reducing the risk of hydroplaning.

By understanding hydroplaning, knowing its causes, practicing safe driving techniques, and maintaining your tires, you can significantly reduce the risk of losing control on wet roads.

Five Things Drivers Should Do to Get Their Vehicles Ready for Christmas Travel

According to the American Automobile Association’s December Holiday Travel Forecast, 115.2 million people will travel 50 miles or more from home over the 10-day year-end holiday travel period, which is a 2.2% increase over last year.

Car driving on a snowy road for Christmas travel

The report goes on to caution travelers who are driving that Saturday, December 23, and Thursday, December 28, will be the most congested days on the road. After Christmas, Saturday, December 30, is expected to be the day when many people will be heading back home or traveling to New Year’s Eve destinations, so an increase in traffic compared to a normal Saturday is anticipated. The experts say the best times to hit the road will be before lunchtime or after 7pm. 

If a road trip is part of your holiday plans, preparing your vehicle for holiday travel is essential to ensure a safe and smooth journey. Here are five things drivers should do to get their vehicles ready for Christmas travel:

1. Perform a Comprehensive Vehicle Check

  • Check the oil level and quality.
  • Ensure the brake fluid, transmission fluid, and coolant levels are adequate.
  • Inspect the battery for corrosion and check its charge.
  • Verify that all lights, including headlights, brake lights, and turn signals, are working properly.
  • Examine the tires for proper inflation, tread depth, and overall condition. Don’t forget to also check the spare tire.

2. Brake Inspection

  • Have the brake system inspected to ensure it is in good working order.
  • Check brake pads and rotors for wear and replace them if necessary.
  • Ensure that the brake fluid is at the recommended level and free of contaminants.

3. Check the Cooling System

  • Inspect the radiator and hoses for leaks and damage.
  • Ensure the radiator is filled with the appropriate coolant mixture.
  • Consider flushing the cooling system if it’s been a while since the last service.

4. Winterize Your Vehicle

  • Check and replace wiper blades if they are worn, and ensure the windshield washer fluid is topped up with a winter-grade solution.
  • Test the heater and defroster to ensure they are working effectively.
  • Verify that all doors, including the trunk, open and close properly.

5. Prepare an Emergency Kit 

  • Assemble or update an emergency kit that includes items like a first aid kit, flashlight, jumper cables, blankets, a basic tool kit, and non-perishable snacks.
  • Pack essential documents, such as your driver’s license, registration, insurance information, and any necessary roadside assistance memberships.
  • Ensure your mobile phone is fully charged, and consider bringing a portable phone charger.

Remember to plan your route in advance, check the weather forecast, and allow extra time for potential delays. Safe travels and happy holidays!


October is Fall Car Care Month

October probably has you thinking of warm sweaters, falling leaves, pumpkin spice, and trick-or-treaters. This month also brings a reason to pay special attention to one of your most prized possessions – your vehicle. October is known as “Car Care Month.” This month is dedicated to encouraging vehicle owners to perform essential maintenance to prepare for the upcoming winter season. It’s important to treat your car now to avoid a scary situation down the road.

Monster driving car


Why is Car Care Month Important?

Car Care Month is an annual event recognized by automotive industry experts, manufacturers, and auto service professionals. It serves as a reminder for car owners to take a proactive approach to vehicle maintenance. As the days grow shorter and the temperatures drop, taking care of your car should be a priority to ensure safe and trouble-free driving in the months ahead.

Reasons to Prioritize Car Care

Ensure Safety

Maintaining your car is not only about optimizing its performance but also about ensuring safety. The colder months can bring hazardous driving conditions, and a well-maintained vehicle is less likely to leave you stranded or encounter unexpected issues on the road.

Save Money

Routine maintenance can prevent major breakdowns and costly emergency repairs. Neglecting vehicle maintenance can lead to a domino effect of expensive problems that quickly add up. For example, wheel balancing and tire rotation promotes even treadwear, which extends the tire service life .

Environmental Responsibility

Proper car maintenance isn’t just good for your wallet; it’s also an eco-friendly choice. A well-tuned engine produces fewer emissions and consumes less fuel, reducing your carbon footprint.

Optimize Resale Value

If you ever plan to sell your vehicle, a well-maintained car will fetch a higher resale value. Prospective buyers often look for service records and a history of care when making a purchasing decision.

Car Care Tips for October

  • Check Your Tires – As the temperatures drop, tire pressure tends to decrease. Check your tire pressure and ensure they are properly inflated. This not only improves handling and fuel efficiency but also promotes tire longevity.
  • Inspect the Brakes – Ensure your brake system is in good working order. Squeaky or soft brakes should be inspected and replaced if necessary to maintain stopping power and safety.
  • Change the Oil – Regular oil changes are essential for the health of your engine. If it’s been a while since your last oil change, make it a priority this month.
  • Test the Battery – Cold weather can be tough on your battery. Have it tested to ensure it’s strong enough to handle the winter months.
  • Check Fluid Levels – Make sure all your vehicle’s fluids, including coolant, transmission, and windshield washer fluid, are at their proper levels. Proper fluid levels are essential for overall vehicle performance.
  • Replace Wiper Blades – Fall and winter can bring rain, sleet, and snow. Ensure your wiper blades are in good condition for optimal visibility.

Celebrate Car Care Month By Treating Your Vehicle!

Regular maintenance not only ensures safety but also extends the lifespan of your car, reduces your environmental impact, and saves you money in the long run. So, this October, treat your car the attention it deserves, and enjoy worry-free driving throughout the upcoming season.

Back to School Car Tips for New Drivers

As students return to school this fall, some will be driving themselves to campus for the first time. This is likely to be a big adjustment for both the kids and the parents. You can alleviate some of the stress by sitting young drivers down for a quick review of things they need to know, now that they have care of a vehicle added to their list of responsibilities.

New driver with parent in car

Car Care for New Drivers

Although they have a lot on their minds with school schedules and extracurricular activities, it is important to get young drivers acquainted with the basic vehicle maintenance they need to know. A review of safe driving practices is also never a bad idea.

Most students start out driving a car that does not belong to them, so regular maintenance checks such as oil changes, tire rotations, and brake inspections may not be something they are responsible for scheduling. You can still get them involved by explaining the importance of these routine tasks in improving the car’s performance and extending its lifespan.

Routine Maintenance Tasks Teens Can Tackle

Check Tire Pressure – Properly inflated tires are crucial for both safety and fuel efficiency. Make it a habit to check tire pressure at least once a month.

Fluid Levels – Ensure that essential fluids like oil, coolant, and brake fluid are at the recommended levels to avoid engine problems and poor performance.

Clean Interior – Don’t let things like books, clothing, and sports equipment clutter the car. Keep things organized. Regularly vacuum and wipe down surfaces to keep the car interior clean.

Wash and Wax – While a clean car looks great, regular washing and waxing also protect the paint from environmental damage. 

Watch the Fuel – Avoid running on low fuel as it can damage the car’s fuel pump. Plus, having enough gas in the tank avoids the risk of running out of gas and being stranded somewhere.

Don’t Ignore Warning Lights – If a warning light on your dashboard appears, it could indicate potential problems. Addressing problems early to prevent major repairs later.

Safe Driving Tips & Reminders for New Drivers

Keep the Phone Put Away – Make sure your new driver understands that texting while driving and distracted driving can be deadly. There isn’t anything that cannot wait until you’re parked.

Drive Smoothly – Avoid sudden accelerations, abrupt braking, and excessive speeding. Smooth driving is not only safer, it reduces wear and tear, while saving on fuel costs.

Park Wisely – Choose parking spots that avoid tight spaces to reduce the chance of door dings and scratches. Park away from crowded areas to reduce the risk of accidents.

Watch for Buses and School Zones – Remind new drivers of the local laws concerning school bus traffic. Also, tell them to watch for student pedestrians who may not be paying attention.

Make sure your new driver is safe and ready for the road back to school by reviewing these tips and teaching them to be a responsible driver.

5 Ways to Prepare Your Car for a Summer Road Trip

It’s summertime and there’s no better way to embrace the season than by hopping in the car for a road trip adventure. Before you hit the highway, it’s important to make sure your car is ready for the journey.

Summer Road Trip

To help you make sure your road trip goes according to plan follow this simple list of five ways to prepare your car for a smooth and enjoyable vacation.

Schedule a Comprehensive Vehicle Inspection

Before any long trip you should have your vehicle thoroughly inspected by a trusted auto technician. They will check the engine, brakes, fluid levels, tires, and all other vital components to ensure everything is in proper working order. Addressing any existing issues before your trip will help prevent potential breakdowns and ensure a safe and stress-free experience.

Check Tire Pressure and Rotate Your Tires

Your car’s tires are its only contact point with the road so taking care of them is essential to ensure your safety on the road. Begin by checking the tread depth and ensure there are no signs of uneven wear or damage. If your tires are worn, it’s advisable to replace them. Additionally, rotating the tires will promote even wear and enhance their lifespan, giving you a smoother ride and better fuel efficiency.

Change the Oil and Fluids

Regular oil changes are necessary for maintaining the health of your engine, which is especially important before a road trip. Schedule an oil change and ensure all other fluids, including coolant, brake fluid, power steering fluid, and windshield wiper fluid, are at their recommended levels. This preventive maintenance step will help keep your car running reliably under the summer heat and reduce the risk of overheating or engine damage.

Check the Air Conditioning System

Your summer road trip is no time to have an AC failure. Make sure your car’s air conditioning system is in optimal condition before your trip. Test the AC unit to verify that it’s blowing cold air and check for any strange odors or noises. If you do notice anything strange, have a professional inspect and service the system. Staying cool and comfortable will make your time in the car much more enjoyable.

Bring an Emergency Kit

Unexpected situations can arise at any time, even during a road trip. As a precaution, assemble an emergency kit containing essential items such as a spare tire, jack, jumper cables, flashlight, first aid supplies, and a roadside assistance contact number. This kit will provide peace of mind and help prepare you for any unforeseen circumstances that may arise along the way.

Remember, a little preparation can go a long way in ensuring a memorable and trouble-free summer road trip. So buckle up, turn up the tunes, and embark on your summer adventure knowing that your car is ready to take you wherever the road leads. Safe travels!

Don’t Rely on Luck! Prepare for Safe Driving

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Today is the day for all things Irish, including the luck of the Irish. But there are some things you should not trust only to luck. Your safety on the road is one one them. 

Don't Rely on Luck - Prepare for Safe Driving

Generally speaking, there are good habits we can develop as drivers to keep safe on the road. These top safety tips from Nationwide insurance are a good place to start:

  • Ignore distractions while driving and maintain focus on the road. Don’t multitask, resist the temptation to use electronic devices, and maintain a safe (and legal) speed..
  • Drive defensively, using accident-preventing techniques such as paying attention to other drivers around you, expecting dangers that may occur, and slowing down to make sure you have time to react to anything that might happen.
  • Prepare for trips by planning adequate time for travel (and stops), making necessary adjustments before leaving, setting the GPS before leaving your parked position, and securing all cargo that might move while you are driving.

Make Sure Your Tires Are Safe

Of course, I would not be Tracy Treadmore if I did not mention tires. Tires are incredibly important to safety, they require special and frequent attention. Many drivers don’t realize just how serious a problem bad tires can be. A special study conducted by the National Transportation Safety Board found that “each year, about 33,000 passenger vehicle tire-related crashes occur, resulting in about 19,000 Injuries.” They also found that most tire-related crashes are preventable and actions can be taken to reduce tire failure-related injuries and deaths.

Watch Your Tire Tread

It is important to monitor the condition of your tire tread as it plays a significant role in tire performance. Neglecting to check the tread regularly may lead to tire damage. Often, drivers only inspect their tire tread when they suspect a puncture or when they hit an object on the road. Frequent inspections will help you identify any wear trends and prevent excessive damage.Visually examine the tread or run your hand over it to detect issues such as distortion, feathering, or cupping. Early detection of improper wear patterns allows for corrective measures to be taken and extends the lifespan of your tires.

Check Your Tire Inflation

Maintaining the correct tire pressure is an essential aspect of tire maintenance that can significantly extend tire lifespan. If the pressure falls below the recommended level, the tire’s shoulders experience increased weight, leading to premature wear. Furthermore, low air pressure creates heat buildup, increasing rolling resistance, and reducing fuel efficiency. Therefore, keeping the tires inflated to the correct pressure is crucial for their longevity and optimal performance.

Keep Up On Tire Service

It is crucial to regularly maintain your vehicle’s wheel alignment as it directly impacts the condition of your tires. One of the common causes of unusual tread wear is improper alignment, which causes accelerated wear on certain areas of the tire. To avoid alignment-related issues, such as uneven and premature tread wear, it is recommended to consistently schedule alignment services. Tire rotation is also another maintenance service that should be done regularly and documented to promote even tread wear and extend the lifespan of your tires.

Don’t push your luck when it comes to safe driving, give it a hand! Keep your driving skills sharp and your tires ship-shape! 

“May the Road Rise Up to Meet You…”

Five Ways to Improve Fall Driving Visibility and Safety

Changing of the seasons is always a good time to think about vehicle maintenance. In addition to taking your car in for its required mechanical checks, there are things you can do in your own garage to prepare for autumn. Falling leaves and tree debris make keeping your windshield clean for clear visibility a challenge. To assure you can see clearly while driving, be sure to take a few minutes to clear off your vehicle – especially at the base of the windshield and other crevices where debris may accumulate.

Leaves on a Car Representing Fall Car Care

Here are five more things you can do to assure clear visibility while driving so you and your passengers will be as safe as possible on the road.

Check Your Wipers

Fall typically brings more rain, so make sure your wipers are in peak condition to assure their effectiveness. You should inspect your wiper blades regularly, and ask your auto service professional to check them whenever you bring in your car for other service or repair. As a rule of thumb, wiper blades should be replaced every six months.

Regularly Clean Your Windshield

Leaf litter and other tree debris lead to a dusty and dirty windshield. This can be particularly dangerous at night, when oncoming lights hit the dirt on your windshield and impair your vision. Try to make a habit of cleaning the windshield every time you fill up. Most gas stations have what you need right by the pumps.

Polish Up Those Headlights

Take a moment to check out your headlights. You may be surprised by the amount of dirt and bug grime that has accumulated on them. If not cleaned, it will eventually get to the point of making your headlight beams dimmer. Regular cleaning will make clear headlights easier to maintain.

Fix Windshield Cracks or Chips

A small crack in the windshield might be annoying, but drivers tend to live with it. Unfortunately, all it takes is one bump or pothole, and suddenly that small crack spreads all the way across the windshield. Have those cracks repaired as soon as possible to maintain safe visibility and to avoid the cost of a windshield replacement.

Top Off Your Washer Fluid

For your windshield wipers to function properly they need an ample supply of windshield washer fluid. Letting wiper blades drag across a dry surface is not only ineffective, it can lead to damaging of the blades. Top off your washer fluid at every service interval or whenever the seasons change to avoid being left high and dry. Use windshield washer antifreeze in winter months to prevent damage to your washer system.

Back to School Safety Part 2 – Prepare Young Drivers

Back to school season means more young drivers on the road. New drivers have more temptations to distract them than ever, including cell phones. Young adults and teens have proven to be especially vulnerable to this risky driving behavior. 

Prepare Student Drivers

Texting and Driving Can Be Fatal

Many bad choices and risky habits only affect the person who engages in them. Texting and driving is different. Everyone around the texting driver is in danger, whether it is passengers in that car, nearby vehicles, or pedestrians in the vicinity. According to recent data

  • Texting while driving is six times more likely to cause a car accident than drunk driving
  • 4,637 people died in car crashes in 2018 due to cell phone use.

It is true that drivers of all ages can be guilty of texting and driving, but young, inexperienced drivers may be most likely to engage in unsafe behaviors. The risk-taking attitude of teens and young adults combined with their lack of driving experience tends to result in a higher likelihood of accidents.

All it Takes is a Few Seconds

According to the advocacy website, Texting and Driving Safety, the minimum amount of time a driver is distracted by a text is five seconds. In that amount of time, at highway speeds, you will travel the length of a football field. Just a few seconds can result in a huge amount of risk.

An infographic on the website provides some frightening statistics regarding texting and teen driving:

  • 77% of young adults are very or somewhat confident that they can safely text while driving
  • 55% of young adult drivers claim it is easy to text while they drive
  • Teens who text while driving spend approximately 10% of driving time outside of their lane.

If you have a young driver in your family, now is a great time to remind them of what’s at risk with texting and driving.