Fall is the Time to Shop for Winter Tires

As the leaves begin to fall and temperatures drop, now is the time to start thinking about your vehicle’s readiness for the winter months ahead. This includes thinking about whether or not you need winter tires, and if so, when is the best time to buy them.

Fall Roads - Time to think about Winter TiresDo you need winter tires? 

The answer to this question will largely depend on the weather in your region and how often you drive in snow or ice. In some areas, drivers are very affected by the weather, and depend greatly on how quickly the roads get cleared before they can get to work. If this describes your situation, then winter tires would probably be a good investment for you. Winter tires offer superior grip when driving, stopping, and cornering.

A potential drawback with winter tires is that they tend to wear faster than all-season tires. This is because the tread is designed to bite into snow and ice, and the softer rubber is formulated to stay pliable at freezing temperatures. As long as you change back to your all-season tires in the spring, your investment should last for several seasons.

Is it too early to shop for winter tires? 

Here are four reasons why you shouldn’t wait until you see snowflakes to think about winter tires.

  1. Beat the Rush – Once the first signs of winter appear, tire shops become flooded with customers scrambling to get their winter tires installed. By shopping in the fall, you can avoid long wait times and ensure you get the best tires for your vehicle before stocks run low.
  2. Get the Best Selection – Shopping for winter tires early in the season means you’ll have a wider variety of options to choose from. As demand increases, stores are more likely to run out of popular models and sizes. Whether you’re looking for studded tires for icy roads or performance winter tires for snowy highways, fall gives you the best chance to find exactly what you need.
  3. Prepare for Sudden Weather Changes – The season’s first winter weather tends to catch us by surprise. An early snowstorm can leave you unprepared if you haven’t equipped your car with winter tires yet. Having your winter tires installed early ensures you’re ready for anything the weather throws your way, giving you peace of mind as fall transitions into winter.
  4. Enjoy Early Discounts – Many tire retailers offer discounts and promotions in the fall, knowing that savvy shoppers want to get ahead of the winter rush. By taking advantage of these deals, you can save money on quality winter tires while avoiding the stress of last-minute shopping.

While you are driving around, enjoying the colors of fall, remember the big chill is just around the corner! Shop for winter tires now and stay safe on the road all season long!

Five Cold Weather Tire Considerations

Cold winter weather means unique and challenging conditions for our vehicles on the road. Something that is often overlooked is the impact of cold weather on tires. Ice, snow, and cold temperatures can significantly affect tire performance, traction, and overall safety. 

Cold Weather Tire Considerations

The following are five important tire related considerations to keep in mind when it comes to your vehicle’s tires during the colder months.

1. Tire Pressure

Cold weather can cause tire pressure to drop, leading to under-inflation. Insufficient tire pressure can lead to decreased fuel efficiency, poor handling, and increased wear. Regularly check and maintain proper tire pressure according to your vehicle’s specifications. Keep a reliable tire pressure gauge in your vehicle so you can keep an eye on your tire inflation.

2. Winter Tires vs. All-Season Tires

While all-season tires are designed for various conditions, they may not perform optimally in extreme cold or snowy weather. Winter tires, on the other hand, are specifically crafted to handle low temperatures and provide superior traction on icy or snowy surfaces. If you drive in an area with consistently harsh winters, swapping out your regular tires for winter tires could significantly enhance your vehicle’s performance.

3. Tread Depth

Adequate tread depth is essential for traction and safety, especially on wet or snow-covered roads. Insufficient tread depth can result in reduced grip and increased stopping distances, which is particularly problematic in slippery conditions. Check your tires’ tread depth regularly and replace tires once the tread becomes excessively worn down.

4. Tire Rotation

Regular tire rotation helps ensure even wear across all tires. This increases the lifespan of tires and improves their overall performance. During colder months, rotating your tires becomes even more critical because it helps maintain consistent traction and handling.

5. Strategic Navigation

Cold weather can mean the potential for more hazards in the roadway in the form of ice and snow, as well as potholes and erosion of road surfaces. It is important to pay attention to these road obstructions and navigate carefully to avoid them since hitting them can easily damage tires and rims, and put your vehicle out of alignment

Paying attention to your tires during cold weather helps to ensure a safe and smooth driving experience. Regular maintenance, appropriate tire selection, and mindful driving practices can make all the difference when winter throws extra road challenges our way.

Cool Car Care Tips: 7 Winter Car Care Maintenance Services

Winter leaves your vehicle vulnerable to the harsh elements. Cold temperatures, snow, and icy conditions can take a toll on your car’s performance and longevity.

Winter Driving

To ensure your vehicle stays in top-notch condition during the winter months, here are seven essential car care maintenance services you should prioritize:

1. Battery Check

Cold weather can significantly reduce your battery’s efficiency. Make sure your battery is fully charged and have it tested to determine its overall health. If it’s nearing the end of its lifespan, consider replacing it to prevent unexpected breakdowns in freezing temperatures.

2. Tire Inspection and Rotation

Proper tire maintenance is very important for safe winter driving. Check the tread depth and inflation regularly. Rotate your tires to promote even wear and improve traction. Consider switching to winter tires for enhanced grip in icy conditions.

3. Fluid Levels and Antifreeze

Cold temperatures can cause fluids to thicken, making it challenging for your engine to operate smoothly. Check and top up essential fluids such as oil, brake fluid, and transmission fluid. Keep antifreeze levels sufficient to prevent the engine coolant from freezing.

4. Brake System Inspection

Responsive brakes are essential for traveling icy roads. Have your brake system inspected, including the brake pads, rotors, and fluid. Replace worn-out components promptly to maintain optimal braking performance.

5. Windshield Wiper Maintenance

Visibility is essential for safe driving, but can be a challenge due to ice and salty spray on windows. Replace worn-out wiper blades and top up windshield washer fluid with a winter-grade solution.

6. Exhaust System Check

The exhaust system is more susceptible to corrosion during winter due to salt on the roads. Inspect the exhaust system for any leaks or damage. Prompt repairs can prevent harmful fumes from entering the cabin and ensure proper engine performance.

7. Heating and Defrosting System

A functioning heating and defrosting system is essential for your comfort and safety. Check the HVAC system, including the heater, defroster, and blower, to ensure they are working efficiently. Replace cabin air filters if necessary.

By prioritizing these car care maintenance services, you’ll equip your vehicle to get through the winter months safely and reliably.

Five Things Drivers Should Do to Get Their Vehicles Ready for Christmas Travel

According to the American Automobile Association’s December Holiday Travel Forecast, 115.2 million people will travel 50 miles or more from home over the 10-day year-end holiday travel period, which is a 2.2% increase over last year.

Car driving on a snowy road for Christmas travel

The report goes on to caution travelers who are driving that Saturday, December 23, and Thursday, December 28, will be the most congested days on the road. After Christmas, Saturday, December 30, is expected to be the day when many people will be heading back home or traveling to New Year’s Eve destinations, so an increase in traffic compared to a normal Saturday is anticipated. The experts say the best times to hit the road will be before lunchtime or after 7pm. 

If a road trip is part of your holiday plans, preparing your vehicle for holiday travel is essential to ensure a safe and smooth journey. Here are five things drivers should do to get their vehicles ready for Christmas travel:

1. Perform a Comprehensive Vehicle Check

  • Check the oil level and quality.
  • Ensure the brake fluid, transmission fluid, and coolant levels are adequate.
  • Inspect the battery for corrosion and check its charge.
  • Verify that all lights, including headlights, brake lights, and turn signals, are working properly.
  • Examine the tires for proper inflation, tread depth, and overall condition. Don’t forget to also check the spare tire.

2. Brake Inspection

  • Have the brake system inspected to ensure it is in good working order.
  • Check brake pads and rotors for wear and replace them if necessary.
  • Ensure that the brake fluid is at the recommended level and free of contaminants.

3. Check the Cooling System

  • Inspect the radiator and hoses for leaks and damage.
  • Ensure the radiator is filled with the appropriate coolant mixture.
  • Consider flushing the cooling system if it’s been a while since the last service.

4. Winterize Your Vehicle

  • Check and replace wiper blades if they are worn, and ensure the windshield washer fluid is topped up with a winter-grade solution.
  • Test the heater and defroster to ensure they are working effectively.
  • Verify that all doors, including the trunk, open and close properly.

5. Prepare an Emergency Kit 

  • Assemble or update an emergency kit that includes items like a first aid kit, flashlight, jumper cables, blankets, a basic tool kit, and non-perishable snacks.
  • Pack essential documents, such as your driver’s license, registration, insurance information, and any necessary roadside assistance memberships.
  • Ensure your mobile phone is fully charged, and consider bringing a portable phone charger.

Remember to plan your route in advance, check the weather forecast, and allow extra time for potential delays. Safe travels and happy holidays!


How to Decide If You Need Snow Tires

The winter season can be a challenging time for drivers, especially if you live in an area that experiences heavy snowfall and icy conditions. Snow and ice on the roads can make driving hazardous, increasing the risk of accidents. Many drivers rely on snow tires to ensure safety and control on wintry roads. In this blog post, we will look at considerations that will help you through the process of determining if you need snow tires.

Red Jeep on Snow Covered Road

Consider Your Local Climate

The first step in deciding if you need snow tires is to consider your local climate. Not all areas experience severe winter conditions, and in milder climates, all-season tires may be all you need. However, if you live in an area where snow, ice, and freezing temperatures are common during the winter months, snow tires could be a valuable addition to your vehicle.

Understand the Benefits of Snow Tires

Snow tires, also known as winter tires, are designed to perform optimally in cold, snowy, and icy conditions. They offer several advantages over all-season tires, including:

  • Superior traction on snow and ice – Snow tires have a unique tread pattern and rubber compound that provides better grip on slippery surfaces, improving your ability to start, stop, and steer in adverse conditions.
  • Shorter braking distances – Snow tires can significantly reduce your stopping distance on icy and snowy roads, helping to prevent accidents.
  • Designed for cold-weather performance – All-season tires tend to harden in freezing temperatures, leading to reduced grip. Snow tires remain pliable and effective in the cold.
  • Improved stability and control – Snow tires enhance your vehicle’s stability and control when driving on snowy or icy roads, reducing the risk of skids and accidents.

Think About Your Personal Driving

Your personal driving habits and attitudes can also be a factor in determining whether or not you need snow tires. Consider the following questions:

  • Do you have a long daily commute or frequently drive in wintry conditions? 
  • If you only encounter snowy or icy roads occasionally, do you have the option to take a different route or work from home?
  • Do you often travel to areas with more severe winter weather for work trips or vacations? 
  • Would having snow tires improve your peace of mind?

Check Local Regulations

Some regions have laws or regulations requiring the use of snow tires during specific winter months. It’s essential to check your local regulations and comply with them, as failure to do so may result in fines or other penalties. Even if not mandated, using snow tires can be a responsible choice for your safety and the safety of others on the road.

Factor in the Cost

Snow tires can be a significant investment, as you’ll need to purchase a set and possibly pay for seasonal tire changes. However, when considering the cost, weigh it against the potential benefits, such as preventing accidents, reducing wear on your regular tires, and providing peace of mind during winter driving.

While snow tires can be a significant investment, they can be a worthwhile one, particularly for those living in areas with harsh winter conditions. Prioritizing safety and control during the winter months can help you navigate the roads with confidence and reduce the risk of accidents.

Cold Weather Vehicle Problems You Can Easily Prevent

Spring is on the way, but those of us who live in areas with colder winters know that March comes in like a lion, before it goes out like a lamb. Before you let your guard down to the perils of winter driving, give some thought to some common cold weather vehicle problems and how you can prevent them.   

winter road conditions


Cold temperatures are pretty rough on your vehicle, so it could use some extra care to prevent winter-related weather vehicle problems. Here are some of those problems and how you can resolve or prevent them.

Check and Maintain Proper Tire Pressure

It is not uncommon for pressure to drop with the temperature, leaving you with underinflated tires. Tires typically lose 1 pound per square inch (psi) for every 10 degrees that the  temperature falls. This can affect your vehicle’s handling and fuel efficiency, and even cause tire damage. To avoid this problem, make sure to check your tire pressure regularly and keep it at the recommended level. 

Get Your Vehicle’s Battery Tested

Did you know that extremely low temperatures strain your car battery? This is because lower temperatures can reduce the battery’s capacity, making it harder for it to start the engine. If your battery is already old or weak, it might not even start at all. To avoid this problem, it’s a good idea to have your battery tested before the winter season starts. Also, make sure to keep your battery terminals clean and tight, as corrosion can also weaken the battery.

Prevent Thickened Fluids Problems

Freezing temperatures cause thickening of fluids your car needs to run properly, including transmission fluid, brake fluid, power steering fluid, oil, and coolant. It is much harder for cold fluids to flow properly, which increases the likelihood of damage to your engine, transmission, and other parts of your vehicle. Make sure to use the recommended fluids for your vehicle and have them changed regularly. Between changes, check your fluid levels frequently, and have them topped off if necessary.

Wash Your Vehicle to Prevent Road Salt Corrosion

Road salt exposure throughout the winter season has a punishing effect on the metal components of your vehicle. Most auto designs have an exposed underbody, which means the majority of salt damage occurs underneath the car, where it goes visually undetected. Fortunately, corrosion and rust do not happen quickly. This means that you have time to undo salt damage potential with regular car washes.

Protect Your Vehicle from Frozen Fuel Lines

When the temperature drops below freezing, the water in your fuel lines can freeze and prevent your vehicle from starting. A good way to avoid this problem is to make sure to keep your gas tank at least half full and use a fuel additive that can prevent water from freezing.

Clear Away Excessive Ice and Snow Before Using Your Wipers

Snow and ice can damage your wiper blades, making them less effective at clearing your windshield. To avoid this problem, make sure to use winter wiper blades, which are designed to perform better in cold weather conditions. Clear any snow or ice from your windshield  to avoid putting excessive strain on your wipers.

Even after taking these preventive measures, always be prepared for a road emergency. During the winter months, travel with items in your trunk such as a roadside emergency kit, blankets, gloves, boots, packaged hand warmers, and a folding shovel. Stay warm, stay safe, and be prepared!

Are You Sure You Can Depend On Your Brakes This Winter?

Snow and ice are here and will be a problem on the roads for the next few months. In order to assure safe winter driving, it is essential to make sure your brakes are in optimal condition and proper working order.

winter snow on road stop sign

The brake system on your vehicle is extremely complex, consisting of numerous integrated components that deteriorate over time. Drivers must always be on the lookout for signs of potential brake issues. Brake problem warning signs can lead to expensive problems if ignored. More importantly, your safety and the safety of others could be in danger if your brakes fail. Pay attention to these common warning signs of brake problems:

Six Common Brake Problem Warning Signs

  1. Strange Noises

Hearing strange noises when you stop your vehicle? Your brake pads may have an excessive amount of wear if you hear a high, screeching sound when you apply the brakes.

  1. Vehicle Pulls to One Side

If your vehicle swerves to one side as you apply the brakes, the brake lining may be worn unevenly or brake fluid may be compromised.

  1. Brake Pedal Feels Odd or Spongy

Does it might feel spongy or does your foot sink to the floor when you hit the brake pedal? You may have a leak in the braking system, such as an air leak in the brake hose or a brake fluid leak. A brake pedal that feels stiff or is difficult to press may be a sign that there is a blockage in the brake line or an issue in the vacuum system.

  1. Too Much Vibration When Braking

Excessive vibration in your brake pedal may be a sign of trouble. This will feel similar to the vibration you feel when the anti-lock brakes feature engages. This vibration or pulsating can be a sign of warped rotors.

  1. Jerking Sensation As Brakes are Applied

If you experience a grabbing or jerking feeling when applying the brakes, it could be a sign that the rotor is unevenly worn or that the brake fluid is contaminated.

  1. Brake System Service Light Activates

Your vehicle’s on-board diagnostic system, if any problems are detected, will light up the brake system service light on your vehicle’s dashboard. It might also come on even when there is no problem, because you see the brake service light up. It’s a good idea to have your brakes inspected if your service light comes on.

brake service brake disc

Don’t Take Chances With Vehicle Safety

Winter road conditions bring enough driving challenges. Don’t take chances by ignoring the signs of brake problems. Have your vehicle inspected right away if you notice any of the common indicators of brake trouble.

Seven Ways to Prepare Your Vehicle For Winter

November is here and winter is upon us. As you brace yourself for dropping temperatures and snow falls, don’t forget that your vehicle needs to be prepared for winter, too. Wondering how to prepare your vehicle for winter? Think about preventative maintenance and consider stowing items in your car so you’ll be prepared for emergencies.

Preparing your car for winter

Photo credit: Julian Faist / Unsplash

Here are seven important vehicle maintenance and winter preparation items you should take care of to be sure that your car is ready for the cold weather:

  1. Check your oil: If your car is due for an oil change, consider refilling it with a lower viscosity oil, which does a better job of handling extreme temperatures. The lower the viscosity, the thinner it is, and the more it will retain its fluidity in cold temperatures.
  2. Top off your antifreeze: When was the last time you checked or refilled your antifreeze? If it’s been a while, now is definitely the time to take care of it.
  3. Check your wiper fluid and condition of your wipers: Clear visibility is essential to your safety on the road. Ample wiper fluid and good wiper blades will help keep your windshield clear.
  4. Get a wash and wax: Your vehicle will be subjected to a lot of abuse from ice, snow, and salt. Head into the winter months with a little extra protection.
  5. Gather emergency items: Preparing your car for a winter season includes packing some emergency items in your trunk/back seat. Items include: an ice scraper, blanket, first-aid kit, extra clothes, flashlight, jumper cables, and anything else you think you might need in case of emergency. 
  6. Monitor tire pressure: Even the slightest temperature changes can impact tire pressure. Make sure to check the optimal tire pressure on the label of the driver’s side door frame or in your owner’s manual.
  7. Think about new tires: Especially in adverse conditions, car tires are one of the only things keeping you from a major spin out, collision, and other roadside disasters. Chances are if you’ve been thinking about getting new ones, you probably need them.

Before holiday season activities and obligations fill up your schedule, take care of these winter car care items. You will be prepared when the winter weather arrives in full force.

Seeing Your TPMS Warning Light? It Might Not Mean What You Think.

Drivers of newer vehicles have a host of warning lights to alert them to potential vehicle problems. While extremely helpful, this technology can lead to confusion. When those anxiety-inducing lights come on, it may not mean what you think it means. For example, seeing the TPMS (tire pressure monitoring system) warning light does not necessarily mean there is a problem with your tires.

Cold Weather TPMS Warning Light

If your car’s TPMS warning light comes on when the temperatures are extremely cold, it may be a simple problem that is easier to fix than you think.

How the TPMS Light Works

tpms_display1The TPMS light is part of the pressure monitoring system that involves sensors that are connected to your actual tires.  The TPMS symbol looks like an exclamation point in parentheses. It lights up when the pressure in one or more of your tires is reduced by around 25%. It may also indicate an issue with the tire pressure monitoring system, such as a dead battery.

There is also a reason the light can come on that is not a sign of trouble, but instead just and indication of the season.

How Cold Temperatures Affect Tire Pressure

Tire pressure can decrease about 1 PSI (pounds per square inch) for every 10 degrees the temperature drops. It isn’t because the air is escaping, but because the air inside the tire is condensing and taking up less space. The effect is temporary because as you drive the tire will heat up, which increases the tire’s pressure.

Additionally, tires tend to lose about 1 PSI per month from seepage of air around the edge of the rim, and even through the tread. Together these factors can cause tire pressure to drop as much as 25 percent below the recommended level. The sensing transmitters inside your tires notice this and trigger your TPMS dash light. If your TPMS light comes on you may not have a problem. You may just need to check your air and bring your tires up to the right pressure.

Don’t Ignore The TPMS Warning Light

It is good to know you may not need to start shopping for tires when you see that light, however that does not mean you should ignore it.  Seeing that light means your tires are below the proper air pressure, which increases the chance of tire failure, compromised handling, improper tire and tread wear, and poor gas mileage. 

Check your tire pressure at least once a month during the winter, and have your technician check your tires to make sure there is not a bigger problem triggering that TPMS warning light.

Are You Sure You Can Rely On Your Car Heater?

This is the time of year when we all appreciate a little extra warmth and comfort. This is especially true when we climb into our icy vehicles and head out into the wind and snow. Although it is easy to just assume that heat will always be there when you press a button or turn the dial, you want to be certain you can rely on your car heater to perform properly.

Vehicle stranded in snow, cold, no heat

How Does Your Car Heater Work?

Your car heater is actually a system of components. The heater core acts as a heat exchanger, distributing heat into the cabin of the car. Heat is transferred from the engine to the heater core through a liquid called coolant. Coolant pumps through the engine to cool it to protect it from overheating. The heat is recycled and sent to the radiator, then circulated to the heater core. Since the engine is the original heat source for the car’s heater, the heat increases as the engine runs.

What Can Go Wrong With The Heater? 

When your car’s heating doesn’t work, there two problems that are the most common causes:

Coolant flow issues can often be attributed to a plug in the heater core. Your auto technician will be able to find and remove the plug to correct the issue.

Air flow problems are commonly caused by a malfunctioning, or stuck blend door. These doors are the flaps inside the ducts that open and close to allow or prevent heat from coming through the vents into the passenger compartment.

Get your car checked out by your auto technician as soon as you notice heating problems to decrease the chances of you getting stuck in the cold.

How Can I Optimize My Car Heater Performance?

Consumer Reports has some interesting tips to help you get the most out of your car’s heating system. Here are a few:

Resist the urge to crank the heat when you first get in the car. Your car needs time to get the heat circulating, since that heat comes from a running engine. Turning the heat flow all the way up as soon as you start the car just blasts everyone with cold air – it is more effective (and comfortable) to let your car run for a while first.

Keep the A/C on to help prevent the windows from fogging up. Your air conditioning compressor removes humidity/moisture from the air before it is heated by the heating core. Without conditioning, the moisture in the air collects on the cold windows and impacts your invisibility. Taking the system off of “recirculation mode” also helps prevent fogging.

Stay safe and stay warm!