Five Essential Vehicle Maintenance Tips Every Driver Should Know

As a driver, taking care of your vehicle is essential not only for its longevity but also for your safety on the road. But with all the things we have on our minds, calendars, and to-do lists, vehicle maintenance is easy to forget. Unfortunately, if you put off taking care of your car for too long, it will remind you when it breaks down or has another issue. 

Man Driving in a Car

Proper vehicle maintenance not only saves you money in the long run but also ensures that your car performs optimally. To save yourself hassles down the road, pay attention to these five essential vehicle maintenance tips that every driver should know:

1. Monitor Tire Pressure

Correctly inflated tires not only contribute to better fuel efficiency, they also enhance vehicle handling and safety. In fact, underinflated tires can increase the risk of blowouts and reduce traction, especially in adverse weather conditions. Invest in a reliable tire pressure gauge and check your tire pressure at least once a month. 

2. Have Brake Maintenance Done

It is easy to understand why brakes are one of the most critical safety features of any vehicle. We all depend on them to perform properly every day, but in the meantime, brake components are subjected to wear and damage. Brake pads, rotors, and brake fluid levels should be regularly inspected. Squealing noises or a soft brake pedal are signs that your brakes may need attention. Addressing brake issues assures your car will be able to stop quickly, protecting you and your passengers from potential danger.

3. Schedule Regular Oil Changes

Oil is the lifeblood of your engine, keeping its components lubricated and running smoothly. It is easy to forget that oil degrades over time and requires proper maintenance. Neglecting oil changes can lead to engine wear and even failure, resulting in costly repairs. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for oil change intervals, typically every 5,000 to 7,500 miles.

4. Check Fluids Regularly

While you or your favorite mechanic are under the hood checking that oil, make sure the other fluids your vehicle relies on for smooth operation are where they need to be. These include transmission fluid, coolant, brake fluid, and power steering fluid. Check these fluids regularly and top them off as needed. Leaks or low fluid levels can cause mechanical problems and compromise vehicle performance.

5. Follow Your Recommended Routine Maintenance Schedule

Confused about what maintenance your car really needs and when it needs it. Who would  know better than its manufacturer? Always refer to the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule outlined in your owner’s manual. This schedule typically includes tasks such as replacing filters, inspecting belts and hoses, and checking the battery. Adhering to this schedule helps to keep your vehicle in peak condition and helps prevent unexpected breakdowns.

By staying proactive with your vehicle maintenance, you not only extend the life of your car but also ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road. Incorporate these essential maintenance tasks into your routine, and you’ll enjoy a smoother, safer driving experience for years to come.

Decoding Your Dashboard: Common Car Warning Lights and What They Mean

There was a time when the fanciest thing about a car’s dashboard was a pair of fuzzy dice on the mirror. With today’s onboard vehicle technology, your car’s dashboard is more of a sophisticated communication hub, equipped with a variety of warning lights that convey important messages about your vehicle’s health. 

Car Warning Lights

Understanding these signals can help you address issues promptly, ensuring the longevity and reliability of your car. In this guide, we’ll explore the most common types of warning lights you might encounter and what steps to take when they illuminate.

Check Engine Light

The “Check Engine” light is perhaps the most well-known warning on a car’s dashboard. When it lights up, it indicates that the engine control module has detected a potential issue with the engine or emission system. While it could be something as simple as a loose gas cap, it’s crucial to have it checked by a professional to rule out more serious problems.

What to do: Tighten the gas cap. If the light persists, consult a mechanic for a diagnostic test.

Battery Warning Light

When the battery warning light illuminates, it signals a potential problem with the charging system. This could be due to a faulty alternator, a weak battery, or issues with the electrical system.

What to do: Check for a loose or corroded battery connection. If the light persists, seek professional assistance for a battery and alternator test.

Oil Pressure Warning Light

This light indicates low oil pressure, which can lead to severe engine damage if not addressed promptly. Low oil levels or a malfunctioning oil pump are common culprits.

What to do: Check the oil level and top up if necessary. If the light remains on, consult a mechanic to inspect for oil leaks or pump issues.

Brake System Warning Light

The brake system warning light can indicate issues with the brake fluid level, brake pads, or the entire braking system. Ignoring this light could compromise your ability to stop the vehicle safely.

What to do: Check the brake fluid level and top up if needed. If the light persists, have the brake system inspected by a professional.

ABS Warning Light

The Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) light signals a problem with this safety feature. While your standard brakes should still function, the ABS may not work as intended in emergency situations.

What to do: Schedule an appointment with a mechanic to diagnose and repair the ABS system.

Understanding the warning lights on your car’s dashboard is essential for maintaining its performance and safety. Regular maintenance and prompt attention to warning lights can prevent minor issues from escalating into costly repairs. Always refer to your vehicle’s manual for specific information on warning lights and, when in doubt, consult a qualified mechanic for a thorough inspection. By staying vigilant, you’ll keep your car running smoothly and ensure a safer driving experience.

October is Fall Car Care Month

October probably has you thinking of warm sweaters, falling leaves, pumpkin spice, and trick-or-treaters. This month also brings a reason to pay special attention to one of your most prized possessions – your vehicle. October is known as “Car Care Month.” This month is dedicated to encouraging vehicle owners to perform essential maintenance to prepare for the upcoming winter season. It’s important to treat your car now to avoid a scary situation down the road.

Monster driving car


Why is Car Care Month Important?

Car Care Month is an annual event recognized by automotive industry experts, manufacturers, and auto service professionals. It serves as a reminder for car owners to take a proactive approach to vehicle maintenance. As the days grow shorter and the temperatures drop, taking care of your car should be a priority to ensure safe and trouble-free driving in the months ahead.

Reasons to Prioritize Car Care

Ensure Safety

Maintaining your car is not only about optimizing its performance but also about ensuring safety. The colder months can bring hazardous driving conditions, and a well-maintained vehicle is less likely to leave you stranded or encounter unexpected issues on the road.

Save Money

Routine maintenance can prevent major breakdowns and costly emergency repairs. Neglecting vehicle maintenance can lead to a domino effect of expensive problems that quickly add up. For example, wheel balancing and tire rotation promotes even treadwear, which extends the tire service life .

Environmental Responsibility

Proper car maintenance isn’t just good for your wallet; it’s also an eco-friendly choice. A well-tuned engine produces fewer emissions and consumes less fuel, reducing your carbon footprint.

Optimize Resale Value

If you ever plan to sell your vehicle, a well-maintained car will fetch a higher resale value. Prospective buyers often look for service records and a history of care when making a purchasing decision.

Car Care Tips for October

  • Check Your Tires – As the temperatures drop, tire pressure tends to decrease. Check your tire pressure and ensure they are properly inflated. This not only improves handling and fuel efficiency but also promotes tire longevity.
  • Inspect the Brakes – Ensure your brake system is in good working order. Squeaky or soft brakes should be inspected and replaced if necessary to maintain stopping power and safety.
  • Change the Oil – Regular oil changes are essential for the health of your engine. If it’s been a while since your last oil change, make it a priority this month.
  • Test the Battery – Cold weather can be tough on your battery. Have it tested to ensure it’s strong enough to handle the winter months.
  • Check Fluid Levels – Make sure all your vehicle’s fluids, including coolant, transmission, and windshield washer fluid, are at their proper levels. Proper fluid levels are essential for overall vehicle performance.
  • Replace Wiper Blades – Fall and winter can bring rain, sleet, and snow. Ensure your wiper blades are in good condition for optimal visibility.

Celebrate Car Care Month By Treating Your Vehicle!

Regular maintenance not only ensures safety but also extends the lifespan of your car, reduces your environmental impact, and saves you money in the long run. So, this October, treat your car the attention it deserves, and enjoy worry-free driving throughout the upcoming season.

Extended Warranty for Your Vehicle: A Wise Investment or a Waste of Money?

One of the most perplexing questions concerning auto care is whether or not to buy an extended warranty. Extended warranties, also known as vehicle service contracts or extended service plans, offer additional coverage beyond the manufacturer’s warranty. But is investing in an extended warranty a prudent decision, or is it simply a way for dealerships to make extra profit? Consider the following pros and cons:

Auto Repair Shop

Pros of Extended Warranties

Peace of Mind – An important benefit of extended warranties is the peace of mind they offer. Knowing that you’re covered for unexpected repairs can relieve the stress that comes with vehicle ownership.

Protection from High Repair Costs – Modern vehicles are equipped with advanced technology, and repairs can be costly. An extended warranty can shield you from these expenses, as it typically covers major components like the engine, transmission, and electrical systems.

No Surprise Expenses – With an extended warranty, you’ll have a fixed monthly or upfront cost, making it easier to budget for your vehicle’s maintenance. This can help you avoid unexpected and potentially budget-breaking repair bills.

Transferable – Many extended warranties are transferable to a new owner if you decide to sell your vehicle before the warranty expires. This can enhance your vehicle’s resale value.

Cons of Extended Warranties

Cost – Extended warranties can add a significant amount to the overall cost of your vehicle. Some argue that the money spent on a warranty could be better invested elsewhere.

Limited Coverage – Not all repairs are covered by extended warranties. Be sure to read the fine print and understand what is and isn’t included. Some warranties have a list of exclusions that may surprise you.

Possible Duplication – Some vehicle repairs might already be covered under the manufacturer’s warranty, rendering the extended warranty redundant during the initial years of ownership.

Reliability of the Provider – The reputation and trustworthiness of the warranty provider matter. Be cautious of companies that are known for denying claims or going out of business, leaving you without coverage.

Claim Process – Dealing with warranty claims can be a hassle. Some extended warranties have complex claim processes, making it difficult to get the repairs you need quickly.

The decision to purchase an extended warranty for your vehicle ultimately depends on your individual circumstances, risk tolerance, and budget. If you value peace of mind and want protection from unexpected repair costs, an extended warranty may be a wise choice. However, if you have a reliable vehicle with a strong manufacturer’s warranty or are financially prepared for potential repairs, you might prefer to save the money that would be spent on an extended warranty.

Before making a decision, carefully read the terms and conditions of the extended warranty, research the reputation of the warranty provider, and assess your own financial situation. An informed decision will help you ensure that your vehicle ownership experience is as smooth and worry-free as possible.

How Often Do Today’s Vehicles Need an Oil Change?

At some point, you were probably advised a vehicle needs an oil change every 3,000 miles or every 3 months. You may have also heard more recently that this old rule of thumb no longer applies. It is true that today’s vehicle engine technology and oil formulations have advanced significantly over the years. So, how do you know often you actually do need to get an oil change?

Vehicle Oil Change

In the case of most modern vehicles, the standard oil change interval falls in the range of 7,500 to 10,000 miles. Advances in engine technology and the quality of synthetic oils have extended the lifespan of engine oil. This means you don’t need to rush to the garage every few thousand miles, saving you time and money in the long run.

For your particular vehicle, here are some factors to consider:

Check Your Owner’s Manual

The first place to go to determine the right oil change interval for your specific vehicle is to check your owner’s manual. Automakers provide detailed guidelines on maintenance, including oil change intervals specific to your make and model. They take into account factors such as the engine type, driving conditions, and the type of oil to be used. These recommendations are typically based on extensive testing and engineering expertise.

Consider Your Driving Habits

While the owner’s manual provides a general guideline, your driving habits can impact how often you should change your oil. If you frequently drive in city traffic or live in a harsh climate with extreme heat or cold, you may need more frequent oil changes. In such cases, it’s a good idea to follow the severe service schedule recommended by your car manufacturer, which often suggests shorter intervals.

Pay Attention to Your Vehicle’s Diagnostic Technology

Later model vehicles come equipped with advanced diagnostics and sensors that can monitor the condition of your oil. Some cars have oil life indicators that calculate the oil’s remaining lifespan based on factors like engine temperature, RPM, and driving conditions. Watch these indicators and follow their recommendations for oil changes.

Type of Oil You Select – Synthetic or Conventional

The type of oil you use also affects the oil change interval. Synthetic oils typically last longer than conventional oils, so if you use synthetic, you might be able to stretch your oil change interval closer to the upper limit recommended by your manufacturer.

Regular oil changes will not only keep your engine running smoothly but also save you time and money in the long term. Remember, when in doubt, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and change your oil a bit earlier rather than later to ensure your vehicle’s longevity and performance.

Back to School Car Tips for New Drivers

As students return to school this fall, some will be driving themselves to campus for the first time. This is likely to be a big adjustment for both the kids and the parents. You can alleviate some of the stress by sitting young drivers down for a quick review of things they need to know, now that they have care of a vehicle added to their list of responsibilities.

New driver with parent in car

Car Care for New Drivers

Although they have a lot on their minds with school schedules and extracurricular activities, it is important to get young drivers acquainted with the basic vehicle maintenance they need to know. A review of safe driving practices is also never a bad idea.

Most students start out driving a car that does not belong to them, so regular maintenance checks such as oil changes, tire rotations, and brake inspections may not be something they are responsible for scheduling. You can still get them involved by explaining the importance of these routine tasks in improving the car’s performance and extending its lifespan.

Routine Maintenance Tasks Teens Can Tackle

Check Tire Pressure – Properly inflated tires are crucial for both safety and fuel efficiency. Make it a habit to check tire pressure at least once a month.

Fluid Levels – Ensure that essential fluids like oil, coolant, and brake fluid are at the recommended levels to avoid engine problems and poor performance.

Clean Interior – Don’t let things like books, clothing, and sports equipment clutter the car. Keep things organized. Regularly vacuum and wipe down surfaces to keep the car interior clean.

Wash and Wax – While a clean car looks great, regular washing and waxing also protect the paint from environmental damage. 

Watch the Fuel – Avoid running on low fuel as it can damage the car’s fuel pump. Plus, having enough gas in the tank avoids the risk of running out of gas and being stranded somewhere.

Don’t Ignore Warning Lights – If a warning light on your dashboard appears, it could indicate potential problems. Addressing problems early to prevent major repairs later.

Safe Driving Tips & Reminders for New Drivers

Keep the Phone Put Away – Make sure your new driver understands that texting while driving and distracted driving can be deadly. There isn’t anything that cannot wait until you’re parked.

Drive Smoothly – Avoid sudden accelerations, abrupt braking, and excessive speeding. Smooth driving is not only safer, it reduces wear and tear, while saving on fuel costs.

Park Wisely – Choose parking spots that avoid tight spaces to reduce the chance of door dings and scratches. Park away from crowded areas to reduce the risk of accidents.

Watch for Buses and School Zones – Remind new drivers of the local laws concerning school bus traffic. Also, tell them to watch for student pedestrians who may not be paying attention.

Make sure your new driver is safe and ready for the road back to school by reviewing these tips and teaching them to be a responsible driver.

Take Care of Your Car with Regular Tune-Up Service

They say that a man’s best friend is his dog, but his car probably ranks right up there, as well. While pets and cars may not really compare, they do both require attention and care. Cars are too often taken for granted until something goes wrong. 

Dog riding in a car on a sunny day

Instead of taking chances, ensure the longevity, safety, and peak performance of your vehicle with regular maintenance, including tune-up service. The following are some of the reasons why tune-up service results in a more dependable ride:

Enhanced Performance and Fuel Efficiency

Tune-up service involves a comprehensive inspection and adjustment of various components, such as the spark plugs, fuel injectors, and ignition system. These adjustments contribute to the optimization of engine performance. When your engine is running well, it consumes fuel more efficiently, which saves you money at the pump.

Prevention of Serious Breakdowns

A tune-up service allows technicians to identify and address potential issues before they escalate into major problems. By catching and fixing minor issues early on, you can prevent unexpected breakdowns that could leave you stranded on the side of the road. This proactive approach not only ensures your safety but also saves you from potential inconvenience and costly emergency repairs.

Prolonged Engine Life and Cost Savings

The engine is like the heart of your vehicle, and its well-being is crucial for overall performance. During a tune-up, components that experience wear and tear over time, such as belts, hoses, and filters, are inspected and replaced if necessary. Regular maintenance ensures that these components are in optimal condition, leading to a longer engine lifespan. This, in turn, extends the overall life of your vehicle, saving you money on premature replacements.

A Safer and More Comfortable Drive

A well-maintained car offers a smoother and more comfortable driving experience. A tune-up service not only enhances performance but also addresses issues related to steering, braking, and suspension systems. This contributes to a safer driving experience by improving control and handling, which is particularly important when driving in challenging weather conditions or maneuvering to avoid a collision.

Emission Control and Environmental Impact

Modern vehicles are equipped with complex emission control systems designed to reduce harmful pollutants released into the atmosphere. A properly tuned engine ensures that these systems function efficiently, leading to lower emissions. By minimizing your car’s environmental impact, you contribute to cleaner air and a healthier planet.

Maintenance of Manufacturer’s Warranty

Many car warranties require regular maintenance to remain valid. Neglecting tune-ups and other recommended services could void your warranty, leaving you responsible for the full cost of repairs. Following your car manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule ensures that you’re covered in case of unexpected issues.

Care For Your Investment with Tune-Up Service

Your car is an investment that requires consistent care to perform at its best. Car tune-up service is not just a routine maintenance task; it’s a proactive approach to ensure optimal performance, safety, and vehicle service life. Don’t be tempted to skip a tune-up! Remember that this small investment can yield significant returns in terms of both performance and your wallet.

Are You Sure You Can Rely On Your Car Heater?

This is the time of year when we all appreciate a little extra warmth and comfort. This is especially true when we climb into our icy vehicles and head out into the wind and snow. Although it is easy to just assume that heat will always be there when you press a button or turn the dial, you want to be certain you can rely on your car heater to perform properly.

Vehicle stranded in snow, cold, no heat

How Does Your Car Heater Work?

Your car heater is actually a system of components. The heater core acts as a heat exchanger, distributing heat into the cabin of the car. Heat is transferred from the engine to the heater core through a liquid called coolant. Coolant pumps through the engine to cool it to protect it from overheating. The heat is recycled and sent to the radiator, then circulated to the heater core. Since the engine is the original heat source for the car’s heater, the heat increases as the engine runs.

What Can Go Wrong With The Heater? 

When your car’s heating doesn’t work, there two problems that are the most common causes:

Coolant flow issues can often be attributed to a plug in the heater core. Your auto technician will be able to find and remove the plug to correct the issue.

Air flow problems are commonly caused by a malfunctioning, or stuck blend door. These doors are the flaps inside the ducts that open and close to allow or prevent heat from coming through the vents into the passenger compartment.

Get your car checked out by your auto technician as soon as you notice heating problems to decrease the chances of you getting stuck in the cold.

How Can I Optimize My Car Heater Performance?

Consumer Reports has some interesting tips to help you get the most out of your car’s heating system. Here are a few:

Resist the urge to crank the heat when you first get in the car. Your car needs time to get the heat circulating, since that heat comes from a running engine. Turning the heat flow all the way up as soon as you start the car just blasts everyone with cold air – it is more effective (and comfortable) to let your car run for a while first.

Keep the A/C on to help prevent the windows from fogging up. Your air conditioning compressor removes humidity/moisture from the air before it is heated by the heating core. Without conditioning, the moisture in the air collects on the cold windows and impacts your invisibility. Taking the system off of “recirculation mode” also helps prevent fogging.

Stay safe and stay warm!

Spark Plug Replacement – Why It’s Important

An essential part of regular vehicle maintenance is spark plug replacement. These small components may not be something you think about often, but they play a key role in the proper functioning of your vehicle. Spark plug replacement is one of the services your auto technician will perform during a tune up. Tune up service is necessary for keeping your vehicle running reliably and performing its best.

Spark Plugs

What Does a Spark Plug Do?

As far as we’re concerned, turning a key or pushing a button to start the ignition is what gets our cars moving. A closer look reveals that the small and humble spark plug emits the spark of electricity that is needed to start your combustion engine vehicle. The power and combustion provided by the spark plug drives clean gas and air to the vehicle’s cylinders. This sets the pistons in motion so that your car moves safely and smoothly.

Spark Plug Replacement and Tune Ups

Knowing the role of the spark plug in your vehicle’s performance, it is easy to see why a poor or failed spark plug can mean big trouble on the road. That’s why regular vehicle maintenance, or tune up service is so important. In addition to providing necessary spark plug replacement, during tune up service, your auto tech will inspect your fuel injectors and fuel pump, replace worn wires, dirty filters, and check for other compromised parts. In the case of older vehicles, adjustment of the ignition timing may also be done during a tune up.

How Often Are Spark Plugs Replaced?

Spark plugs operate in a very harsh and punishing environment. Over time they wear out and are vulnerable to corrosion. While spark plugs cannot last forever, they are pretty tough and do not require frequent replacement. Typically they will need to be replaced every 30,000 miles or every two years.

How Do I Know If I Need a Spark Plug Change?

As with all auto maintenance, the best way to plan service is to follow the guidelines listed in your vehicle owner’s manual. Additionally, you can watch for signs that your car needs spark plug replacement or a general tune up. These include:

  • Difficulty starting or frequent stalling
  • Strange sounds, such as knocking
  • Rough acceleration or idling
  • Poor gas mileage

Stay safe and fuel efficient with regular tune ups and spark plug replacement!

When You Should Get An Oil Change & Why Is It Important?

When you should get an oil change depends mostly on what type of vehicle you have. The old rule of thumb used to be 3,000 miles or 3 months, whichever comes first. Thanks to new, more sophisticated technology, many of today’s cars are equipped with oil-life monitoring systems that let drivers know when an oil change is needed. While some systems are based on mileage and time, more advanced systems detect and analyze the condition of the vehicle’s oil. As with most car maintenance, you should check your owner’s manual to know when you should get an oil change. 

Oil Change

Why are oil changes important? 

As miles accumulate on your car, oil decreases in effectiveness and becomes saturated with dust, water, and combustion residues that cause engine corrosion. The high operating temperatures of your car also cause the thermal breakdown of oil. This makes it less effective as a lubricant. Lubricant is essential in the prevention of engine part wear due to excessive friction. Acid neutralizing additives in oil also decrease in effectiveness over time. 

Even though your car’s oil filter traps much of the dirt, eventually the filter will clog and the contaminated oil will bypass the filter through a relief valve. When oil becomes dirty and thick it also becomes abrasive and causes more wear. 

Consistent oil changes will improve engine performance because clean oil performs much more efficiently than dirty oil. Regular oil changes are essential to a vehicle’s performance and safety and will also help prevent costly repairs throughout the life of your vehicle.

When you get an oil change, your service technician will replace your car’s oil with a full synthetic oil, synthetic blend, or high mileage motor oil, depending on what’s recommended for your particular vehicle. The old oil and oil filter will be removed, replaced, and recycled. Many shops also perform courtesy services such as:

  • Topping off fluids
  • Checking vehicle lights
  • Lubricating chassis as necessary
  • Inspecting belts, hoses, steering, suspension, skid plates and undercarriage
  • Checking windshield wipers
  • Checking car battery

Regarding oil changes, AAA cautions

“Less frequent oil changes on newer engines make it essential that you check the oil level monthly and top it up as needed. While many engines will use less than a quart of oil between changes, others can consume as much as a quart every 600 to 700 miles. Maintaining proper oil levels can help you avoid costly car repairs; engine wear or damage resulting from low oil levels will not be covered by your new-car warranty.”